ales brce

Black Mamba
Rock Explosion
Live at Tetris

Poster ✓

Black Mamba Rock Explosion is a hard rock band from Trieste (Italy). I made this poster for their live show at Tetris club, eager to transmit also visually all the ferocity the band spreads on their concerts through a strong ‘claustrophobic’ image of a ‘rocking’ hand wrapped by crawling snakes. A venomous bite can be seen on the sickly-rising hand, obstinate in keep on rocking. A sting of poisonous but marvellous rock’n’roll, coursing through veins just like a sweet drug.


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The ‘snake texture’ featured in this poster’s image is inspired by the ‘reptile photography collages’ made by artist Guido Mocafico. This (not commercial) poster is realized such as a homage to his work.
Creative direction → Aleš Brce
Art direction → Aleš Brce
Graphic design → Aleš Brce
Year → 2011